Creato Sperma Sintetico dalle cellule Staminali

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  1. Apocalypse23

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    .........Synthetic human sperm have been grown from embryonic stem cells for the first time, scientists claimed yesterday, raising the prospect of advances in male infertility treatment.

    The culture of swimming human cells with tails and some of the biological characteristics of real sperm has been created at Newcastle University.

    The achievement, from a team led by Professor Karim Nayernia, suggests that it may be possible to grow new reproductive cells from stem cells, enabling men who make none of their own to father children.

    * Alla Newcastle University GB lo sperma umano "sintetico" è stato creato dalle cellule staminali, questo apre nuove speranze per quanto riguarda l'infertilità umana.
    Il Prof Karim Nayernia ha dichiarato che la creazione potrà dare la possibilità a tutti quegli uomini che non riescono a procreare di diventare padri.

    al link, il video interessante sul procedimento.
0 replies since 9/7/2009, 08:50   84 views