PROVE di varie integrazioni


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  1. uonderuoman

    User deleted

    personalmente ho evitato i farmaci .
    All'inizio prima di andare a chieti per la simil-diagnosi ( ::::) mi hanno dati i soliti psicofarmaci, diciamo che in questi anni ho avuto prove difficili, due lutti che mi hanno emotivamente pugnalato .
    Ho avuto il buon senso di prenderli per un brevissimo periodo.
    Poi mi sono state prescritte cose tipo creatina taurina carnitina, che ho mollato subito perchè mi facevano stare peggio.
    Cosi ho cominciato a cercare.
    Ho provato una dieta stretta e da allora ho eliminato gli zuccheri raffinati e ciclicamente il glutine, non mangio latticini, solo formaggi di capra, cerco di mangiare cose biologiche ma il costo di quei prodotti mi limita il loro acquisto.
    Grazie all'aiuto delle traduttrici faunia a raffa ho potuto leggere ricerche tradotte, ma ho cominciato a cercare nel 2006.
    Ho cercato fra le ricerche su cfs, fm ME autismo MCS. Ho capito il pasticcio delle diagnosi ad esclusione e contemporaneamente ho capito che non potevo fare nessuno degli esami per accertare squilibri magari anche trattabili, cosi ho escluso i dosaggi alti e

    provato diverse integrazioni
    omega 3 6 9
    vitamine le ho di tutte le lettere dell'alfabeto ma il problema dosaggi non è di facile gestione,
    quelle che mi hanno dato un segnale sono state le b
    ho provato:
    glutathione ma credo che in capsule faccia poco
    mb12 spay nasale, ma nonostante mi aiutasse come cognitività e un pochino come energia ho lasciato per la difficoltà di non avere assistenza medica e analisi di controllo e anche per il discorso che ho 2 amelgame e i dubbi su metilmercurio.
    NAC, seza effetti
    alghe varie senza effetti
    ginseng che però mi da tachicardia
    drenanti omeopatici
    disintossicanti omeopatici
    antivirali omeopatizzati
    iniezioni e poi capsule di adenosilcobalamina
    b6 e zinco senza effetti
    dl phenilamina sospesa perchè mi dava mal di testa

    al momento prendo :
    ldn da agosto 2007-
    enzimi vegetali digestivi da autunno 2008
    occasionalmente prendo;
    a e e la c a dosaggi normali o leggermente superiori- magnesio ( preferibilmente glicinato)
    invece sempre con sospensione periodica di un mese prendo un multivitamico che contenga un dosaggio decente di vitamine b compresa idrocobalamina ( attorno o superiore ai 25 mg)

    generalmete procedo nell'assunzione di integrazione con una certa logica, sarebbe tutto piu semplice se fosse possibile avere un medico esperto magari in biologia che mi seguisse, purtroppo come ho già detto n altro post il medico di base una volta avuta la simil-diagnosi si è disinteressato pertanto discutere con lui dopo un anno di tentativi è risultato inutile, cosi ho smesso di sprecare ore di energie per fare code e sentirmi liquidata con una pacca e un si rassegni.

    Edited by uonderuoman - 16/4/2009, 17:27
  2. uonderuoman

    User deleted

    idebenone- a quel che ho capito dovrebbe essere la forma potenziata del Q10- brevetto giapponese credo.. e non di origine naturale, non sarebbe per me un problema, tempo fa provai il q10, ma so che la qualità è sempre in agguato ( mi successe pure con gli enzimi che li provai e non diedero nessun miglioramento, dopo un po cambiai marca cercando piu qualità e mi aiutarono con l'intestino la digestione in modo evidente.

    Suno M, Nagaoka A.

    Central Research Division,
    Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd., Osaka, Japan
    Arch Gerontol Geriatr 1989 May;8(3):299-305


    The effects of idebenone on the swelling of rat brain mitochondria were studied. When FeCl3 was added to a mitochondrial suspension, a pronounced mitochondrial swelling occurred accompanied by the production of lipid peroxide; the two phenomena were closely correlated (r = 0.96, p less than 0.01). idebenone inhibited the mitochondrial swelling and lipid peroxidation in a concentration-dependent manner; the concentration giving 50% inhibition was 37 microM for swelling and 53 microM for lipid peroxidation. Metabolites of idebenone also inhibited the lipid peroxidation. These results suggest that idebenone stabilizes the mitochondrial membrane by inhibiting lipid peroxidation in brain mitochondria


    Mitochondrial Disease Clinic,
    Metabolic Neurogenetic Service,
    Wolfson Medical Center, Holon, Israel.
    [email protected]
    J Inherit Metab Dis 2001 Feb;24(1):28-34


    Idebenone, a synthetic analogue of coenzyme Q10, has been shown to improve cardiac function in patients with Friedreich ataxia and a deficiency of respiratory chain complexes I-III. We describe a woman with severe combined right and left heart failure due to a mitochondrial cardiomyopathy. The patient underwent an endomyocardial biopsy as part of an evaluation for cardiac transplantation. It showed severely decreased respiratory complex activities dependent on CoQ, pointing to CoQ depletion. Following idebenone treatment there was a dramatic improvement in her clinical status with resolution of the heart failure.

    Effects of idebenone and related compounds on respiratory activities of brain mitochondria, and on lipid peroxidation of their membranes.

    Imada I, Fujita T, Sugiyama Y, Okamoto K, Kobayashi Y.

    Central Research Division,
    Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd., Osaka, Japan.
    Arch Gerontol Geriatr 1989 May;8(3):323-41


    The oxidation of succinate and NADH in a ubiquinone-depleted canine brain mitochondrial preparation was restored by a low molecular weight benzoquinone, idebenone. Idebenone inhibited NADH(NADPH)/ADP-Fe3+-dependent lipid peroxidation in canine brain mitochondria and protected against the resulting inactivation of NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity. Idebenone did not affect the activities of succinate oxidase in canine and rat brain mitochondria but suppressed the oxygen consumption in NADH oxidation. This suppression might be related to the inhibition of lipid peroxidation. These results suggest that idebenone functions as an electron carrier in the respiratory chains of brain mitochondria and as an antioxidant against membrane damage caused by lipid peroxidation in brain mitochondria

    Edited by uonderuoman - 21/5/2009, 10:13
  3. uonderuoman

    User deleted

    Study of Idebenone in the Treatment of Mitochondrial Encephalopathy Lactic Acidosis & Stroke-Like Episodes (MELAS)
    This study is not yet open for participant recruitment.
    Verified by Columbia University, May 2009
    First Received: April 23, 2009 Last Updated: May 14, 2009

    Primary Outcome Measures:
    To compare the efficacy of 1 month treatment with 2 different doses of idebenone with that of placebo on cerebral lactate concentration as measured by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) [ Time Frame: 1 month ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

    Secondary Outcome Measures:
    To compare the efficacy of 1 month treatment with 2 different doses of idebenone with that of placebo on venous lactate concentration [ Time Frame: 1 month ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

    To assess changes following 1 month treatment with 2 different doses of idebenone with that of placebo in fatigue as assessed by the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) [ Time Frame: 1 month ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

    To assess changes following 1 month treatment with 2 different doses of idebenone with that of placebo in daily activities as assessed by the Quality of Life questionnaires SF36 for adults and PedsQL for children and adolescents [ Time Frame: 1 month ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

    To assess safety and tolerability following 1 month treatment with 2 different doses of idebenone with that of placebo [ Time Frame: 1 month ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]

    Estimated Enrollment: 21
    Study Start Date: May 2009
    Estimated Study Completion Date: December 2009
    Estimated Primary Completion Date: December 2009 (Final data collection date for primary outcome measure)

    So, what is the difference between CoQ10 and Idebenone besides the slight difference in chemical structure? One has to do with its antioxidant properties. Under most conditions, CoQ10 acts as an antioxidant. However, under low oxygen conditions-- such as due to heart attack, stroke, trauma, shock, or chronic poor blood circulation -- CoQ10 can auto-oxidize, which means that it acts as a pro-oxidant. Incidentally, the same is true of Vitamin C, which generally acts as an antioxidant, but under some conditions it too can act as a pro-oxidant. However, Idebenone has the unique quality of retaining its antioxidant properties under any and all conditions. Idebenone effectively has all of the positive and life-preserving functions of CoQ10, but it doesn't have the dark side that CoQ10 has under hypoxic (low O2) conditions. Keep in mind that the brain and spinal cord are especially prone to such damage, as in a stroke, and may be irreparably damaged or destroyed within minutes.

    Next, consider Idebenone's role in energy production. You realize the cellular energy is produced in little organelles within the cells called mitochondria. But did you know that the mitochondria have their own DNA, called mtDNA, which simply means mitochondrial DNA. However, over the course of a lifetime, mtDNA gets severely damaged- even more so than nDNA (nuclear DNA, within the nuceus of the cells). Idebenone serves as a powerful mitochondrial free radical quencher, lessening the ever-increasing mtDNA damage that occurs with age. Idebenone works even better than CoQ10 in this respect, keeping mitochondrial energy production high. This is especially critical to brain and heart cells that may be rapidly damaged during low ATP production (which refers to Adenosine Triphosphate, the volatile energy compound within the cells). You might say that Idebenone helps keep the fires of life burning smoothly and cleanly.

    Then there is Idebenone's effect on iron toxicity. Did you know that many doctors and scientists now think that iron is a greater risk factor for heart attack than cholesterol? It's because iron is a powerful oxidant, maybe the most powerful oxidant, causing severe free radical damage. Studies have shown that Idebenone can tightly keep oxidation where it belongs: in energy production. Idebenone prevents iron ions from wastefully and harmfully diverting O2 to producing free radicals inside the mitochondria, instead of producing energy. Research has shown that Idebenone can almost completely eliminate this damaging process, diverting cellular oxygen away from toxic, iron-induced free radical generation into beneficial ATP energy production, even under hypoxic conditions. And keep in mind that mild cellular hypoxia can occur even from intense exercise, or even from mild exercise done by out-of-shape couch potatoes.

    Then there is Idebenone's effect on the brain. First, Idebenone has a powerful effect to increase brain serotonin levels, which makes it a natural antidepressant. However, Idebenone also boosts dopamine production (dopamine is another "feel-good" chemical in the brain) as well as acetylcholine- the brain's most abundant neurotransmitter. Idebenone has also been shown to prevent brain toxicity from glutamate, which forms naturally in the brain and creates havoc. Glutamate arises from excitatory amino acids such as glutamic acid. It also results from ingestion of MSG (monosodium glutamate) and similarly, it arises from aspartic acid and aspartame (Nutrasweet). Idebenone has been shown to dramatically protect the brain from glutamate toxicity. Idebenone is also considered a mild cerebral stimulant, and it has been used successfully in the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder in both children and adults. However, it has none of the adverse effects of Ritalin, Adderall, or other such drugs.

    Idebenone protects our organs. Our organs are ravaged by time. Over a lifetime, blood flow to our organs diminishes due to arteriosclerosis and less efficient heart pumping. This reduces O2 dependent energy production needed for repair, reproduction, and normal function. Free radical damage accumulates over time, leaving ever more dead, dying or dysfunctional cells within organs.

    At some point when a critical threshold is reached and too many cells within an organ are dysfunctional and can no longer contribute, then the organ--heart, brain, liver, etc.- shows signs of failure. Idebenone protects our organs in many ways. It cushions them against hypoxic (low O2) and/ or ischemic (poor blood flow) damage. IDB enhances both normal and hypoxic ATP energy production. Each cell in our organs must produce the energy that it needs for life and health. Cells cannot borrow energy from each other. Idebenone is a powerful antioxidant (much more so than CoQ10), and in some studies, it has been found to be 30 times more powerful. A 1995 study in the Journal of Transplantation compared the organ-preserving effects of CoQ10 and Idebenone. The study measured free radical membrane lipid damage, cell protein damage and cellular energy production under hypoxic conditions. IDB was dramatically more effective than CoQ10 at preserving liver tissue under conditions identical to that endured when whole livers are harvested and stored (briefly) before transplant to another person. The study recommended using Idebenone to increase the transplant viability of human livers donated for organ transplantation. And since then, that is exactly what has happened. Today, harvested organs are bathed in Idebenone while in transit from donor to recipient. You can use Idebenone to increase your own organ viability, while they still belong to you.

    So, who should take Idebenone? A case could be made that we should all be taking it. But I think the following people should definitely consider taking it:

    Those desiring cognitive enhancement, brain-energizing, and "smart drug" effects
    Stroke victims, wishing to improve memory, emotional or speech disturbances
    Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cerebrovascular dementia patients
    Those preparing for major surgery, especially brain, heart, liver or kidney
    People with heart energetics problems, e.g. cardiomyopathy, ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure
    People with myelination problems, such as multiple sclerosis
    Those dissatisfied with their general energy and vitality levels
    People with especially high endurance energy needs, e.g. cross country skiers, long distance runners, cyclists, swimmers etc.
    Those at risk of excitatory amino acid brain damage, e.g. people who routinely consume aspartame sweetened foods/ drinks, or those who eat MSG or hydrolyzed vegetable protein
    Depressed individuals and those wishing to enhance their brain serotonin levels
    Those suffering acute or chronic liver damage from any source
    People desiring a long-haul, broad-spectrum, anti-aging supplement

    How much Idebenone should you take? The standard dosage is two 45 mgs capsules a day in divided doses. However, Idebenone is extraordinarily safe and non-toxic, and people have been known to take several times that much (6 to 8 capsules daily) for long periods with no adverse effects. Since Idebenone is a mild cerebral stimulant, it may have a mild coffee-like effect in some people and interfere with sleep. So, it may be necessary to adjust the dosage because of that and avoid taking Idebenone late in the day or at night.

    Should you take CoQ10 or Idebenone or both? First, I know of no technical or theoretical reason why you cannot take both Coenzyme Q10 and Idebenone, and many people do. I am one of them. For many years, I have taken both of them and without the slightest hint of any difficulty or harm. The only objection to doing so may simply be the fact that it involves spending more money. Fortunately, the price for both of these supplements has come down in recent years. But if you are going to just take one, then I think it depends upon your circumstances. If you are generally healthy, with no particular problems, and just supplementing on a preventative basis, then I would go with CoQ10. But if you have any of the problems or concerns listed above, you may want to go with Idebenone. Start with the standard recommended dosage of two 45 mg capsules daily in divided doses, but be open to taking more. Remember, it's extraordinarily safe. In some studies, Idebenone showed a better safety profile than placebo! And for children with autism, Asperger's, ADD and other syndromes, it is safe to give them Idebenone, but it's always best to work with a doctor.

    Dr. Ralph Cinque

    Dr. Cinque is a graduate of UCLA and Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon. He is a founding member and past president of the International Association of Hygienic Physicians. His main interests are nutrition, healthful living, and the use of natural supplements in the prevention and treatment of disease.

    Edited by uonderuoman - 21/5/2009, 17:22
  4. uonderuoman

    User deleted

    L'Idebenone è un composto organico della famiglia dei chinoni, è diffuso commercialmente come un analogo sintetico del Coenzima Q10 e si ritiene che abbia simili proprietà antiossidanti. L'Idebenone differisce dal Coenzyme Q10 per una caratteristica specifica. In condizioni di ipossia (scarsità di ossigeno) il CoQ10 può modificare la sua funzione da "anti-ossidante" a "auto-ossidante". Si ritiene che questa auto-ossidazione possa produrre rapidamente radicali liberi che danneggiano i tessuti dell'organismo. L'Idebenone quindi svolge funzioni simili a quelle del Coenzima Q10 senza però il rischio di un processo auto-ossidativo.
  5. uonderuoman

    User deleted

    vorrei povarlo, ho solo un dubbiola qualità, leggevo nn so dove che uno di buona qualità è kirkman
  6. gulio

    User deleted

    l'idebenone ha una formulazione sintetica.
    io prendo il co q10.
    mi fido di più.
    ma non c sono risultati ecclatanti.
  7. uonderuoman

    User deleted

    il fatto è che mi ha dato da pensare che l'idebenone sia meglio è perchè il Q10 in presenza di poco ossigeno si autossida, a differenza dell'idebenone, e pur non potendo fare i test che servirebbero si sa che la carenza di ossigeno è probabilmente una caratteristica della ME, per questo e perchè pare che idebenone sia in grado di passarela barriera ematoecefalica mi sembra una prova da fare, diciamo che non sono queste le cose che mi spaventano, personalmente, mi lascia piu perplessa la cura prolungata con antibiotici o con antivirali, tutto sommato integratori e vitamine non mi fanno alcuna paura, a volte ci vengono prescritti farmaci come ansiolitici e antidepressivi per periodi lunghi, qualli si mi preoccupano... anche in considerazione del fatto che il probabile danno mitocondriale viene peggiorato da molti farmaci..
  8. Apocalypse23

    User deleted

    infatti con il Co q 10 si creano molti più radicali liberi, l'idebenone si è sintetico, vi posto questo link con la trad auto sulle malattie e relazioni con idebenone.

    uonder vai avanti tu..........nel senso della sperimentazione
  9. uonderuoman

    User deleted

    si , faccio tial.... caviauonder in action..
  10. Apocalypse23

    User deleted

    ;) Attendiamo. noi ce le facciamo da soli le sperimentazioni siamo organizzati altro chè.......Trials
  11. gulio

    User deleted

    Aspetterò anche io forza uonder.
    A forza di prove prima o poi qualcosa salterà fuori.
    Io aspetto il Virastop dall'America.
    <voglio provarlo.
    ciao. :ph34r:
  12. uonderuoman

    User deleted

    gulio il virastop se avessi problemi ( a me è stato fermato in dogana e ci hanno messo due mesi a rimandarlo e ho dovuto pagar 15 euro di tassa) mandami mp che t do link di dovelo vendono in europa, ma costa un po di piu...
  13. gulio

    User deleted

    infatti lo aspetto anche io ho fatto lo sdoganamento, assurdo!!
    pare che adesso dopo aver pagato finalmente arrivi.
    W L'italia!!
    :shifty: :shifty:
    Appena arriva lo provo.
    L'mp te lo mando lo stesso.
  14. uonderuoman

    User deleted

    due giorni che ho cominciato idebenone, le capsule sono da 150 mg pertanto le divido a occhio... metà. due giorni di assunzione, oggi pausa, non vorrei mettere in circolo troppo materiale di scarto.. dunque alle mie solite cose si aggiunge idebenone
    ora sto prendendo:
    ldn 4.5 mg
    enzimi digestivi source natural
    virastop 2 capsule 2 volte al gg

    saltuariamente ( tipo una alla settimana come mantenimento perchè ho preso per tre mesi consecutivi)
    vitamine gruppo b

    saltuariamente ( tipo ogni tanto perchè preso per un mese consecutivo)

    Da quando ho comincato il virastop ( cominciato con 1 capsula due volte a gg) ho il naso tappato e muco
    stanotte gran vampate piu del solito in intensità
  15. gulio

    User deleted

    Anche io sto prendendolo 2 cps ma non ho notato grandi cambiamenti ( Virastop), sono solo tre gg quindi è presto.
    Attendiamo Uonderuoman per l'ibedenone.
    Spiana la strada.
28 replies since 3/4/2009, 19:15   706 views